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The early 90's: Can we skip this one please?

Bijgewerkt op: 28 mei 2020

The battle scars of raising two teenagers are beautiful reminders on their souls and their minds that the job is virtually done. The kids are out of the house, University is corrupting whatever decency they thought they taught the kids, and there is a returning eerie quiet to the house. Discovery of each other again, and the realization they are not the same as they were when they met.

Time is a strange thing. Time is not always a friend. Battles are raging, self-discovery and exploring each other all over again. Finding lines in the sand, standing ground, and finding common ground as well. Redefining priorities, and re-evaluating the value of who they find in each other.

A crucial time for their commitment and dedication to each other and the family to flourish and conquer the differences that exist, to side with each other, to conquer dark forces driving them apart and to overcome the most challenging of times with ultimate grace, dignity and over-powering love.

Also, a time of first marriages, girlfriends, boyfriend (no s), and the unenviable time to realize that whatever they learn at University is NOT necessarily worth the money you spent... But in all, a glorious time to celebrate the circle of life and quietly reminiscing about the early 70's and how it all began for them... A first knowing smile, and heartwarming feeling of familiarity that everything in life repeats over history, with it own unique little twists and turns.

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